400 g Lugrade Cod Sounds;
500 ml olive oil;
2 onions;
2 garlic cloves;
2 bay leaves;
2 carrots;
1 beet;
100 ml Red Wine Vinegar;
White pepper.
Put the cod sounds in a casserole and let them confit in olive oil for 40 minutes over low heat.
Peel and laminate all the vegetables: the garlic, the onions, the carrots and the beet.
Cut the carrots and the beet into long julienne (julienne: very thin sticks).
Use the remaining olive oil from the cod sounds confection and start by browning the garlic, the onions and then the carrots. Add the bay leaves and season with salt and white pepper.
Cut the cod sounds into squares and add to the marinade sauce. Finally put the beet and mix everything.
Finish with vinegar and serve hot or cold.
(For storage you can use airtight bottles.).